Fun, safe... flourish!
Are you looking for a well-designed choice of sports and creative activities and a reliable and professional environment for your children during the school holidays? Star Hotshots holiday camps are fun, energetic, creative and challenging enough to develop every child’s skills without overwhelming the less confident ones. We provide an amazing set of activities you children can enjoy with friends in an open and safe environment.
5 Year Olds
Energy, development and positivity
At 5 years old, children are full of curiosity and energy! Our active and creative camps are the perfect mix for those that want to either burn off energy with games and challenges or get creative and develop their fine motor skills. We give plenty of positive feedback as the children take part and there’s a real sense of excitement and motivation is high.
Whether your child loves to run, draw, swim, cook, play team sports or ball games, there’s something they’ll love. They’re likely to try some things for the first time, and will probably leave with a new-found love for a sport or activity!
- Push boundaries
- Improve fundamental skills
- Have fun
- Being active
- Creativity
6 – 7 Year Olds
Time to stretch their wings!
At 6 and 7 years old, your child can try new activities or work on sports and skills they already enjoy. Some personalities are better suited to individual sports, so we give them time to develop their skills and confidence alongside goal setting and strength. For others, team games can teach children how to work together, share, and form team structures.
If your child is drawn to creative activities such as art, cookery, drama, they will be able to express themselves and use our creative sessions to develop balance, creativity, imagination and flexibility.
- Self-confidence
- Independence
- New skills
- Imagination
8 – 10 Year Olds
Independence, choice… fun!
At 8, 9 and 10 years old your child will probably be keen to flex their independence. Personal choice is very important at this age and we give children every opportunity to use choice, decision making and personal responsibility through sport and creative activity. We respect the fact that it is their holiday while maintaining a safe environment and providing them with supervision and security.
PGA Golf Pro Ben O’Dell and GB American Footballer Peter Cleaver plus other professionals visit camp and run sessions to offer advice to the children and help develop their skills further.
- Decision-making
- Leadership
- Progress
- Achievement
11 – 14 Year Olds
Freedom in a challenging and stimulating environment
We respect that children at this age don’t want to be treated as kids, and we respect the concerns of parents and guardians who continue to want a safe and structured environment.
Your children will be treated like teens and given the right balance of freedom and boundaries. They will still follow a timetable of activities and there are also opportunities to go off site to participate in new activities. There is also an opportunity to get involved in the Young Leader Award, a free and fun way to learn new life skills.
- Improve talent whilst maintaining a balanced outlook
- Develop and excel at their favourite sport
- Explore their competitive nature whilst learning good sportsmanship
- Be given a personal plan for the future to maintain development
Five-star quality childcare
We are really proud of the reputation we have developed over the last 18 years plus. We have very high standards, and we do all we can to offer children a positive environment for them to enjoy playing sport and learning new skills amongst their friends.
Ultimately, our holiday camps are an enjoyable way for your child to be active, creative, play games and be with their friends during the school holidays. Our enthusiastic coaches use their experience to develop sports skills, as well as physical, social and creative skills, through games, activities and challenges, while also enabling children to learn new skills.